Saving Sumatra's Rainforests

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November 23, 2018 2 min read

60,000trees have been planted thanks to Komodo's donations to the Sumatran Orangutan Society!


Help us protect orangutans in the wild by supporting the Sumatran Orangutan Society.

"By raising awareness, our voices, and vital funds, we can make a real and lasting impact on the survival of orangutans and the conservation of their precious rainforest home"

"The relentless destruction of Sumatra’s rainforests has pushed the Sumatran orangutan to the edge of extinction. With only around 14,600 remaining in the wild, the species is classified as Critically Endangered"

Thanks to Komodo’s partnership with the Sumatran Orangutan Society and 1% For The Planet, 30,000 new rainforest tree seedlings have been planted to create new habitat for orangutans in Sumatra. They’re the forest of the future.

Described as “a dream come true” by Sabar, the Permaculture Manager, this project is bringing barren land back to life. Once a lush, biodiverse jungle, a few years ago the area was cleared and replaced with rows and rows of a single tree – oil palm. We’re working with the Sumatran Orangutan Society and their frontline partners, Orangutan Information Centre, to reclaim and restore the habitat of some of Sumatra’s most iconic wildlife. Within 3-4 years we will see this land thriving, and the trees planted thanks to Komodo’s customers will be a haven for orangutans, elephants and countless other species.

... donations so far has covered the planting of60,000 trees!

Taking Action!

A proud supporter since the 90’s, Komodo has continuously supported S.O.S throughout various campaigns and projects. Check out Hati, the life-size Orangutan sculpture featured in Edinburgh’s Royal Botanic Gardens during the 2011 Fringe Festival, donated by Komodo and sold at auction. Covered in wildlife native to the Sumatra rainforests, Hati celebrates orangutan’s playing a vital role in the ecosystem and biodiversity, as described by designer Caz Haigh.

A new school and conservation training centre is also being built, which is all part of the plan to empower the next generation of Indonesian conservationists, who will take the lead in keeping the precious forests and wildlife safe.Watch this space for news from Bukit Mas!


Where is the Sumatran Rainforest?

Photo credits: Lucy Radford, A Walmsley & The Sumatran Orangutan Society

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"Orange is the new black"

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