Komodo has a long history of supporting charities and social projects that have crossed the path of founder Mark Bloom (aka Joe Komodo) over the years. Raising both awareness and funds which enable these organisations to continue their important work.
Some projects have seen Komodo's support and involvement for many years now. Others are relatively new or were shorter term projects and we hope to make our contributions sustainable.
A heart felt thankyou goes out to each and every one of you that has helped us support these projects through buying Komodo or directly donating to the charities.
Through our 1% for the Planet membership we are helping the Sumatran Orangutan Society to restore rainforests.
An Indonesian oil palm plantation is up for sale and we have a golden opportunity to buy this land and restore the lush forest that once stood there.
This will provide shelter for orangutans and other endangered animals, and create a vital asset for local communities. Through our donations we are helping the return of this land to the forest and the wildlife to whom it once belonged.
Tibet Relief Fund was founded in 1959 to help Tibetan communities in need. Today they continue work with Tibetans in India, Nepal and Tibet through local projects that address basic needs, provide vital healthcare and education.
In 2016 Komodo raised money through a sale event on our website to fund the rebuilding of a school in the remote village of Bakhang, on the border of Nepal and Tibet, that was destroyed in the earthquakes of 2015.
The problems of the Maoist insurrection and effective civil war that raged in Nepal for years caused many problems. For us and the garment industry it caused massive upheaval, but the disruption it gave us was nothing compared to the thousands of Orphans whose parents were victims of the bitter and twisted conflict.