KOMODO for Free Tibet

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Free Tibet

I knew almost nothing about Tibet untill I stumbled into Kumbun monastery as a wide eyed 18 year old back packer in 1983... I found that once you meet the Tibetan people it's hard not to fall in love with them and their story - I was hooked. Trying to get around the border controls, I read more about their plight under the brutal chinese occupation of their country and soon became a supporter of their cause. When I met Free Tibet Campaign founder  Robbie Barnett we resolved to pledge our support to their noble quest. Komodo have been making donations now and again for the last 20 years, we only hope they can get bigger and more regular.

Joe Komodo says... "Don't Forget Tibet !"

Free Tibet Campaign stands for the Tibetans right to determine their own future. It campaigns for an end to China's occupation of Tibet and for Tibetans fundamental human rights to be respected. Founded in 1987, Free Tibet Campaign generates active support by educating people about the situation in Tibet. It is independent of all governments and is funded by its members and supporters.

Further information can be found at: www.freetibet.org

Komodo donates 10% from every sale of Free Tibet Products to the campaign to help them continue their important work.